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Are you unsatisfied with the shape or size of your nose or having difficulty breathing as a result of the shape of your nose after your initial rhinoplasty? Then you have all of the justifications for undergoing a revision rhinoplasty in Turkey.

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Revision Rhinoplasty Surgery Card


Duration of Operation Changable
Operation Area Face-Nose
Anesthesia Type General
Pain Threshold 1 Week
Start Time Post/Op 1
First Shower 3 Days Later
Recovery Time Between 3-6 Months
Re-operation Status 1 Year Later & It’s Up To Preferences
Gym-Cardio 2-3 Months Later
Suture Mark No Suture
Age Limit Up From 18
Suture Type Meltable
Oedema Status Less/Average
Hospitalize 1 Night
Open/Close Technic Optional

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What is Revision Rhinoplasty?


Even though no one wants to have a second surgery in some cases rhinoplasty may need to be repeated. Revision rhinoplasty is performed when people need a second rhinoplasty surgery. Some people may dislike the new shape of their nose or experience breathing difficulties as a result of surgery. It is possible to produce more appealing and stunning outcomes with a successful rhinoplasty revision.

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Cost of Revision Rhinoplasty


It’s critical to select the best revision rhinoplasty approach for your facial anatomy and budget. The cost of the procedure varies depending on the previous rhinoplasty mistake. Contact us to learn more about the price of revision rhinoplasty.


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