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Ear deformity is a problem that affects people all over the world. It has no effect on the body’s general functionality. Therefore, it cannot be said to be a disease but still, it can be aesthetically unappealing to people. Ear deformity can be treated with ear plastic surgery in Turkey.

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Ear Plastic Surgery Card


Duration of Operation 3-4 Hours
Operation Area Ear
Anesthesia Type General
Pain Treshold 1 Day
Start Time Post/Op 1
First Shower 5 Days Later
Recovery Time 1 Week
Re-operation Status 1 Year Later & It’s Up To Preferences
Gym-Cardio The Day After
Suture Mark No Suture
Age Limit Up From 18
Suture Type  –
Oedema Status Less/Average
Hospitalize 1 Night
Open/Close Technic  –

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What is Ear Plastic Surgery?


One of the most prevalent ear abnormalities is the visible ear problem, which is caused by cartilage loosening in the ear area or a lack of ear folds. As a result, the ears‘ flexible construction causes them to lean forward or to the side, resulting in unsettling images. In most people, it can be seen in both ears, but in certain cases, it can only be seen in one. Women may typically conceal this issue by letting their hair fall, but men find it difficult to conceal their ears. Men frequently seek ear plastic surgery as a result of this. Simple cosmetic treatments in modern medicine can swiftly and effectively address ear plastic surgery, which must be treated owing to the psychological issues it causes.

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Cost of Ear Plastic Surgery


The operation price varies according to the operation and surgical technique. After performing your examination, the surgeon can make the decision. The surgeries performed by our professional specialists can help you get rid of significant ear disorders. You can schedule an appointment by visiting our clinic or calling us for detailed information about the procedure.


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